In case of emergency, non-stop phone: +7 (48353) 2-57-74
Excursions and fees. Infrastructure.
  • Kletnyansky Sanctuary
    • State Nature Reserve Federal values ​​"Kletnyanskoy" - it is located on the territory of Kletnyansky Mglin and districts of the Bryansk region, has a profile of biological (zoological) - plant and animal conservation of fishery resources, as well as rare and endangered species of plants and animals.
      Year of creation – 1983
      Area - 39 100 hectares.
  • Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve
    • State Biosphere Reserve "Bryansk forest" - it is located within Suzemskogo and Trubchevsky areas is responsible for protection of natural systems within the core and buffer zones, conducts monitoring, scientific research and environmental education activities throughout the biosphere reserve "Nerusso-Desnyanskoye Polessye".
      Formed July 14, 1987
      Area – 12,186 hectares
      Area buffer zone - 9654 hectares.
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Награждение "Брянский лес"


14.12.2015, 1404 просмотра.